“We Learned to Our Amazement the Untold Tale of Scandal”

- Gil Scott-Heron (1970) The untimely, inhumane and grotesque, racially-motived murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmuad Arbery and Belly Mujinga have sparked an anti-racism uprising and revolution like no other in modern world history. To echo the word’s of Ms. E Tendayi Achiume (UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance); “ The world is witnessing the largest ever transnational mobilization against systemic racism…” and long may it continue. From its inception, Hip-hop music has always been used as an avenue to advocate for change and address critical issues and topics within Society. As a medium of art dominated by Black people but for the most part owned and financed by white millionaires (and millionaires turned billionaires off the back of Black artists), hip-hop is an art form which acts as a microcosm of wider society. However, my goal here is not to speak specifically to this dynamic, (but maybe...